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dc.contributor.authorNthiga, Stella
dc.identifier.other363.8209624 NTH
dc.description.abstractThe study investigated,factors influencing food security in a migrant population. A case study of Doro refugee camp, Maban County, South Sudan. In this study we considered food security as the ability of a household to have three (3) meals a day in the previous month. The main objective of the study was to assess the factors influencing food security among refugees in Doro Refugee Camp, Maban County, South Sudan. The study methodology followed a cross-sectional study design that examined the knowledge, socio-economic and environmental factors influencing food security. The target population was total of 436 household heads that had been in the camp in the previous full month. They were selected from 17 villages using multistage sampling. Data was analyzed using SPSS and results presented inform of univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis and presented inform of tables and pie charts. The findings revealed that a majority of the respondents (52%) believe that nutrition means eating enough food and a balanced diet. The main complication that arose from lack of food security was malnutrition at 71.4%. It was also revealed by the univariate analysis that 43.8% of the households had more than 11 members. In addition, it was established that 91.6% of the respondents didn't have an access to land for subsistence farming and those who had land but did not farm were 63.6%. Finally, 91.6 % of the respondents also affirmed that the camp was not politically stable to guarantee food security. The study concluded that the predetermined factors which included knowledge, socio-economic, and environmental factors had an influence in the level of food security among refugees in Doro refugee camp South Sudan. It was recommended that UNCHR and WFP: revise the food rations provided to ensure that the refugees are able to have at-least 3 meals in a day, train the communities on kitchen garden farming and storeyed gardens to supplement on the food rations and introduce livelihood activities that can provide a source of income and employment hence enable the communities‟ supplement what is provided in the food rations.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectFood Security -- Migrant Population -- South Sudanen_US
dc.subjectFood Security -- Detrminants -- South Sudanen_US
dc.title"Factors Influencing Food Security in a Migrant Population:"en_US
dc.title.alternativeA case study of Doro Refugee Camp, Maban County, South Sudanen_US

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