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dc.contributor.authorNiyitegeka, Philippe
dc.identifier.other613.9420967571 NIY
dc.description.abstractBrief Background to the Study: A vasectomy is a surgical procedure performed on males, in which the vas deferens (tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles) are cut, tied, cauterized (burned or seared) or otherwise interrupted. Although the need for family planning remains widespread, in most countries it is the family planning method that is the least known, understood, it lags far behind most other available Short term and long acting methods..Gold, M. (1992,) the efforts have been deployed so for to reduce fertility in Rwanda. In February 2011, the government launched the vasectomy campaign, targeting families who have more than five or six children, alongside their HIV prevention campaign. NSV procedure is offered to the men for free and hoping that men will share responsibility for FP. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Burera district in 5 Sectors, a semi structured questionnaire were used to collect data from men of reproductive age. Results: The knowledge on vasectomy, the majority (61.0%) of the respondents (Men) are not informed on male vasectomy only 37.2% said that they were informed about vasectomy. The predominant source of information are radio and health providers respectively 12.0% of the respondents and 10.0% a total of 239 respondents, about 68.5% confirmed that vasectomy is an irreversible method of family planning. A total of 98 respondents, about 28.1% said that they do not know anything about vasectomy. From the same information, the respondents provided their views on the place where the services of vasectomy are provided as a total of 182 respondents, about 52.1% said that they know very well the place where vasectomy services are provided. The 269 respondents, about 84.8% said that they discuss with their partners about FP. A total of 47 respondents, about 13.5% said that they never discuss with their partners about FP, and 34.4% of respondents agreed that vasectomy has benefit for the family. About 72.8% of respondents agreed that they have important to share responsibilities to use FP. Conclusion : According to findings of this research the men do not have a good knowledge on vasectomy, rather their knowledge is seems to be reasonable and their perception regarding practice of vasectomy is positive only non-acceptability or level of willingness are influenced by the fear of what a man can became after the operation.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectBirth control -- Rwandaen_US
dc.subjectBirth control -- Vasectomy -- Men's knowledge and willingness -- Rwandaen_US
dc.titleMen's Perception, Knowledge and Willingness to Undergo Vasectomy as Contraceptive Method in Rwanda:en_US
dc.title.alternativeA case study of Burera District.en_US

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