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dc.contributor.authorEwongu, Stephen
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Introduction: Globally, the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) prevalence in the general population by 2015 was 3.5%. HBV is a global Public Health problem, with an estimated 257 million people with chronic HBV surface antigen (HB&Ag) positive (WHO, 2017). The Knowledge about Hepatitis B infection transmission is still not well understood at community level most especially among adults. Study Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing knowledge of Hepatitis B Infection transmission among adults aged 18 years and above in Tororo parish, Serere district in order to come up with appropriate strategies to improve knowledge on Hepatitis B in Serere district. Methods: This study used descriptive cross sectional design that used quantitative data collection method. Sample size was determined using Kish Leslie’s formula of 1965. Sample of 384 was obtained. Three stage multiple stages random sampling technique was used. Parishes, villages and Households were random selected and adult participants aged 18 years and above were randomly selected to participate in the study after seeking their consent. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 30 ±10.6 years. Nearly half were aged 18-28 years 191 (49.7%) followed by those aged 29-39 years 122(31.8%). Half were males 195(50.8%) and more than half of the participants were married 225(58.8%). The majority 370 (96.4%) of the respondents were knowledgeable about Hepatitis B infection transmission. The bivariate analysis using chi-square test showed that Age category (p=0.000), religion (p=0.002), place of residence (p=0.005), average monthly income (p=0.004), family with health worker (p<0.001), friend or peers who are health workers (p<0.001), tested for hepatitis B (P<0.001), vaccinated against Hepatitis B (p<0.001), family member or relative had HBV (p=0.016), have access to hepatitis B information (p<0.001), use television as source of information about Hepatitis B (p=0.007), method of communication (p=0.002) and provision of HBV information by other stakeholders (p<0.001) had statistically significant difference with knowledge about Hepatitis B infection transmission. Via Multivariate analysis, having friend or peers who are health workers AOR=13.18, 95%CI: 3.711-46.786, p=p<0.001), past history of Hepatitis B testing AOR=0.04 95%Cci: 0.006-0.223, P<0.001, having family member or close relative with Hepatitis B ((AOR=7.13, 95%CI: 1.716-29.65, p=0.007*). Conclusion and Recommendation: The self-rated level of knowledge was high (96.4%). Having peers or friends of health background, history of testing and having family member or close relative with hepatitis B were significantly associated with knowledge of Hepatitis B infection transmission. Therefore health providers should allocate time and place to engage different age groups, plan strengthen community based education, counseling and testing, health care providers should identify and train peers to be involved in dissemination of information about Hepatitis B.en_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Knowledge On Hepatitis B Infection Transmission Among Adults In Tororo Parish In Serere District.en_US

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