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dc.contributor.authorNattu, Christa
dc.identifier.other2010 - BNS - TU - 031
dc.identifier.other616.692096761 NAT
dc.description.abstractThis study determined factors, challenges and coping mechanism adopted by couples undergoing in vitro fertilization in Women’s International and Fertility Center Bukoto in Kampala. To achieve the research purpose, some specific objectives were formulated and these included: to find out various factors influencing couples’ involvement in IVF; to examine challenges facing couples undergoing IVF treatment; and to determine coping mechanisms for the problems facing couples undergoing IVF treatment at Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Center Bukoto. In methodology, the study employed descriptive survey design. The research population size was 80 from which 67 respondents were sampled through Slovene’s formula. Respondents were sampled through simple random sampling, consecutive sampling was used for couples and purposive sampling was used to sample hospital administrators. Both primary and secondary sources of data were employed in this study and the instruments used included Focus Group. Discussion: An in-depth interview; and a key informant interview. The reliability and validity of the research instruments were determined through pretesting and expert judgment respectively. Both thematic and bivariate analysis was used in this study. Ethical considerations were also seriously taken in this study. The research findings show that there are several factors influencing couples to enroll for in vitro fertilization (unexplained infertility; frequent miscarriages and low sperm count in men; menstrual; irregularities and ovulation in women and impotence in men; damages in sex hormones; blocked fallopian tube; and uterine abnormalities); couples still face a lot of challenges while undergoing in vitro fertilization (to depression, stress, anxiety and fear; time constraint; pain at the time of retrieving the egg; financial constraints; and possibilities for unsuccessful IVF treatment); couple now adopt several coping mechanisms to tackle challenges they are facing (counseling and guidance; making arrangements to pay in installment; by resorting to loans from some financial institutions; by working together as a team with their partners; by seeking professional advice; and by first collecting enough money). It was recommended that the government of Uganda should consider limiting the charges for in vitro fertilization or subsidize so that the rate of dropout rate among couples because of financial related challenges can be reduced.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectInfertility and Impotenceen_US
dc.subjectInvitro Fertilization - Treatmenten_US
dc.titleFactors, Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of Couples Undergoing Invitro-Fertilization (IVF) Treatment at Women's Hospital International and Fertility Centre Bukoto (WHI and FC).en_US

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  • Bachelors in Nursing [415]
    Contains all dissertations submitted by staff and students from the School of Nursing

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