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dc.contributor.authorKomugisha, Sarah
dc.identifier.other2010 - BNS - TU - 020
dc.identifier.other362.1969792096761 KOM
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: This study was carried out to identify various factors influencing disclosure of status and program participation amongst Prevention of Mother to Child transmission (PMTCT) mothers in Kawampe division. Research Objectives: The specific objectives in this study included: to establish cultural factors influencing disclosure and program participation amongst PMTCT mothers; to determine individual factors influencing disclosure and program participation amongst PMTCT mothers; to find out institutional factors influencing disclosure and program participation amongst PMTCT mothers and to examine socio-demographic factors that influence disclosure of status and program participation among PMTCT mothers in Kawempe division. Methodology: This study employed a cross-sectional descriptive design employing quantitative methods of data collection; the sample size in this study was 178 and this was determined from the accessible population of 320 using Yamane’s formula; both primary and secondary sources of data were employed in this study and questionnaires used as research instrument. The data were employed in this study and questionnaires were used as research instrument. The reliability and validity of the research instruments were determined through pretesting and content validity index. Data was analyzed using SPSS. Frequencies and percentages were used to determine the research objectives. Ethical considerations were also taken into consideration. Results: Factors that were revealed by the study include previous experience of male violence with 44.9%, women's attitudes and perception towards PMTCT with 54.5%, knowledge with 46.6%, fear to deal with the implication with 54.5%, agreed with 44.4%, cultural blame on women with 38.8% strongly agreed, cultural demand for breast feeding with 50% of respondents, low participation of men in reproductive health make disclosure with 51.1%, low motivated health workers with 43.3%, poor facilities in health centers limits 44.3%, low human resource with 48.3%, working women disclose more with 32%, urban women easily disclose with 37.6% Conclusion: This study concluded that cultural factors; individual factors and institutional factors influence the disclosure of status and program participation among PMTCT mothers. However, socio-demographic factors do not have significant relationship with the disclosure of status and program participation among PMTCT mothers in Kawempe division. Recommendation: It is recommended that the ministry of health should put up better health facilities, the community should be sensitized about PMTCT services, increase the resources most importantly the number of health workers, ministry of health should motivate health workers among other recommendations.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectAIDS (Disease) infantsen_US
dc.subjectAIDS (Disease) Transmissionen_US
dc.subjectChild Health Servicesen_US
dc.subjectMaternal Health Servicesen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Disclosure of Status and Program Participation Among Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Mothers in Kawempe Division.en_US

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  • Bachelors in Nursing [415]
    Contains all dissertations submitted by staff and students from the School of Nursing

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