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dc.contributor.authorNshimye, Ngamije Edith.
dc.identifier.other362.1096761 NSH
dc.identifier.other2011 - BNS - TU - 028
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION: The purpose of the study was to explore the factors affecting the quality of care to hospitalized patients of medical and surgical wards of Mulago Hospital. Specific factors like organizational factors, nurse related factors, environmental factors and patient related factors were examined. The sole purpose of conducting the study on these particular wards was to give recommendations to the management, health workers and stakeholders on how to improve the quality of service that is offered to these hospitalized patients. METHODOLOGY: The study adopted a cross sectional study design. Qualitative and quantitative approaches of data collection were employed. A total of 288 participants and a focus group discussion of 10 patients constituted the sample size. These participants were selected from both medical and surgical wards using simple random sampling. Permissions were thought from the relevant authorities and consent was sought from patients before getting information from them. RESULTS: The study revealed that availability of health workers, supplies and drugs were least scored with poor and fair with 21.89%, 13.19% and 14.94% respectively as organizational factors affecting quality of care. Confidentiality 44.45% and privacy 54.56% were identified as some of the organizational factors affecting quality of care with poor and fair scores. Congestion (43.40%), noise around the ward (34.38%) and untidy toilets and shower rooms (56.25%) were also identified as environmental factors affecting quality of care. It was also observed that most patients agreed that they come to the hospital with at least two care takers which brings about congestion on the ward. CONCLUSION: This study revealed that there is no single factor affecting quality of care. There is interplay between the different factors affecting quality of care to hospitalized patients. These factors need intervention by the different stake holders so that a lasting solution can be made to overturn the global problem of poor quality of health service. RECOMMENDATION: Mulago as an institution will institute a quality improvement team that can cautiously monitor quality services that are offered to the patients and settle some of the minor issues at the hospital level.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectHealth care -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectMedical care -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectQuality control -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleFactors Affecting Quality of Care to Hospitalized Patients Admitted in Medical and Surgical Wards of Mulago National Referral Hospital.en_US

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  • Bachelors in Nursing [415]
    Contains all dissertations submitted by staff and students from the School of Nursing

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