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dc.contributor.authorOpio, Robert Kiboko
dc.identifier.issn362.1096761 OPI
dc.identifier.issn2011-BSCPH-PT- 039
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The performance of a health system is greatly determined by human resource for health, availability of essential medicines and health supplies and generated health management information. The main objective of this study was to determine the factors influencing the performance of health care service delivery in Kaberamaido district and the specific objectives were to determine the human resource factors, medicines and health supply factors and health management information system factors influencing the performance of health care service delivery in kaberamaido district. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted in four health centre III levels in Kaberamaido district namely Anyara, Bululu, Otuboi and Kalaki health centre III. 8 health care service providers were interviewed of which 4 were health facility in charge and 4 were health information assistants. The primary sources of data were from the respondents. The secondary sources of data were from health facility records. Results: There was a significant staffing gap especially among the key health cadres still below the health sector strategic and investment target of 70% for the financial year 2012/2013, stock outs of essential medicines and the inadequacy of health sector inputs, out puts and outcomes ranging from infrastructure, deliveries in health units, service utilization . Conclusions: The availability of human resources, essential medicines and adequacy of the health sector inputs, out puts ranging from accessibility, service utilization and quality indicators determine the performance of the health sector . Recommendations: Continuous support supervision, monitoring and evaluation of health sector performance for better health outputs and outcomes .en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectHealth services -- Performance and delivery -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing the Performance of Health Care Service Delivery in Kaberamaido District.en_US

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