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dc.contributor.authorBirungi, Lilian
dc.identifier.issn371.82085296761 BIR
dc.identifier.issn2008 – BSC – EP –FT -007
dc.description.abstractThe study examined the perception of the community on the re-entry of teenage pregnant mothers back to schools in Kawempe division. This was descriptive cross-sectional study design in which both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data. The study population consisted of teachers, members of the community, students and opinion leaders. This population was chosen because they were very knowledgeable about the point in focus. The instruments used for data collection were self-structured questionnaire, interview guide and documentary sources. Data collected were analyzed and results presented using descriptive statistics in form of percentages and frequency tables as well as qualitative analysis. Findings indicated that teachers have a negative attitude towards teenage mother's re-entry into school as these may set a very bad example to other students. It was also found out that pregnant girls and young mothers give the school a bad image. However, some teachers do encourage young mothers to remain in school while others actively encourage them to leave school. Findings also indicated that members of the community had a negative attitude about teenage mothers’ re-entry into school adding that they regard it as a shameful conduct and bringing disgrace to their family. It was found out that sometimes the parents distance themselves from the girls because they feel ashamed that the community would look down upon the family because of their child's actions. It was found out that some parents were not interested in supporting the teen mothers to complete their schooling. It was also found out that the teenage mothers’ attitude towards their re-entry into school was negative because they face a high level of rejection from fellow students and many young mothers face maltreatment by their peers demonstrated in terms of invisibility get a lot of harassments from their teachers, they lose morale which have a serious consequence for their ability to get academic help and also a barrier to their effective learning. Findings also indicated that parents do not highly regard teenage mothers as their daughters after getting pregnant and dropping out of school. Findings also further revealed that young mothers re-entering school in some cases are physically assaulted hence causing depression, they encounter learning problems as their teachers always expect very little from them because they assume that they are of low intellectual ability and they are also less considered when it comes to school fees payments. Fellow students also had a bad attitude towards the re-entry of the teenage mothers into school arguing that once a girl gets pregnant, then turn out to be their misfits and therefore they should stay home and up bring their children and also to avoid being spoilt by these mothers. Based on the findings, it was recommended that counseling sessions for teachers must be introduced in schools, it is important to ensure that the country has an enabling policy environment that is committed to removing all barriers that stand in the way of girls' access, performance and completion of their education, there is a need for teachers and learners to realize the needs of young mothers and learn how best they can respond to them, psycho-social counseling is important and thus each school should have a teacher who is able to counsel the girls, there is need to build a strong case, based on research information and statistics on trends in dropout owing to pregnancy and re-entry. Such data will support advocacy strategies and efforts to influence policy such as public debates and media activities.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectEducation of teenage mothers -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleThe Perception of Community on the Re-Entry of Teenage Mothers Back to Schools:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case study of Kawempe division.en_US

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