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dc.contributor.authorArao, Choleta
dc.identifier.issn363.72096761 ARA
dc.description.abstractThis study assessed the factors influencing household pit latrine utilisation in kotomor sub- county Agago district. The general objective was to establish baseline information on availability and use of pit latrines in kotomor sub county Agago district so as to design strategies to reduce on morbidity and mortality due to sanitation related diseases while the specific objectives were: 1. To establish pit latrine coverage rate in Kotomor sub county Agago district. 2. To investigate cultural factors influencing pit latrine utilisation in Kotomor sub county Agago district. 3. To investigate factors influencing construction of pit latrines in Kotomor sub county Agago district. 4. To investigate the level of PH act enforcement of home ownership of pit latrines by health inspectors in Kotomor sub county Agago district. A community based cross-sectional study design was conducted in a randomly selected 384 households that had 51.1% latrine coverage at the time of data collection in 2011. A structured and pre-tested questionnaire complemented with observation was used to collect data. The study area is found in one of the districts in northern Uganda where the health services extension program was inactive. Trained research assistants were involved in the study. Data from completed questionnaires was cleaned, captured, coded and entered into the computer using SPSS software version 16.0.The study found out that there was low pit latrine coverage of 67% far below the national target of 72%. According to the findings 33% of the respondents did not have pit latrines in their homes. The study recommended that health assistants and community leaders should sensitize the communities using information education and communication approach on the adequacy and dangers of not having pit latrines. More public health educators should be recruited and empowered to enforce and maintain sanitation hygiene in Kotomor sub county. Government should give subsidies on latrine construction materials to households so as to reduce on the cost of pit latrine construction. Government, municipal council and the local government should gazette more places in affordable distance for construction of public toilets as this would increase on utilisation.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectSanitation -- Pit Latrine Utilisation -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectSanitation -- House hold -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Household Pit Latrine Utilisation in Kotomor Subcounty-Agago District.en_US

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