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dc.contributor.authorIremba, Wilfred
dc.identifier.other362.1984096761 IRE
dc.description.abstractIntroduction :The research study was based on factors influencing mother's choice of delivery facility of Burunga Sub county Kiruhura District. The research was analyzed basing on social demographic factors influencing mother‟s choice of delivery facility, to establish social economic factors influencing mother's choice of delivery facility, identify mothers related factors influencing mother‟s choice of delivery facility and to find out health facility related factors influencing mother‟s choice of delivery facility in Burunga Sub county Kiruhura District. Methods :Descriptive cross sectional study, triangulating both qualitative and quantitative methodologies through the use of semi structured questionnaires and a descriptive data analysis method were used. During the process the researcher considered both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Questionnaire method was used in the field from which self administered questionnaires (SAQs) were used in capturing information from 376 respondents. Thus random sampling method was used where individual (women of the reproductive age) had an equal chance of participating in the research study which reduced biasness in the information collected. Results: From the research findings it was found out that the majority of the respondents who participated in the research study were of a reproductive age 15 to 35 indicated by 80.8%, most of them married ,majority 50.5% of the respondents are located at distance of 1 to 5 kilometers,90.4% the majority were unemployed thus with limited capital to meet the medical bills and preferred to deliver from their own homes/TBS‟s, women who are gravid three para two, have knowledge of where to produce from and 73.6% of respondents on average rated the quality of service delivery good. 45.2% of the respondents stayed in the some household 6-10people,65.7% of the respondents revealed in regard to their past pregnancy they did not deliver from the place/health facility they had their ANC, 46.5% of respondents revealed midwives in the maternity ward are arrogantly to pregnant women. Conclusion : The researcher concludes majority of women of the reproductive age 15 to 35 years were unemployed and most households were located 1 to 5 kilometers from Burunga Health center III and the choice of pregnant mothers upon to where to deliver depend on parity, however the research study found out majority of pregnant mother deliver from homes/TBA‟s and have not or attended ANC few times than what is expected and most of the midwives in maternity wards are arrogant to mothers as suggested by 46.5% of the respondents ,6-10 people stay together in the some household. Recommendations : The researcher recommends that local government to allocate more resource in infrastructure development like construction of feeder and community roads for easy accessibility and government should set up more health centers in rural areas, a need to sensitize pregnant mother to go for ANC and encourage women to engage in productive venture so as to have the capacity to support their husband on various requirements needed by a pregnant mother. Government and Nongovernmental organization should intervene in helping the poor ones through grant support and sensitizing them to be engaged in various economic activities so as increase their incomes to support in provision of various basic needs more especially being in position to acquire improved health care. Women should be encouraged to participate to income generating activities in order to raise their economic status. The government through ministry of health should carry out health workers workshops/training to emphasize a need on how health workers can improve on quality service delivery to the patient more especially encouraging proper coordination between them and pregnant mother. And more so government should recruit more midwives to avoid patient overload that may result them responding to patients arrogantly.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectHealth facilities -- Mother's choice -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectDelivery Facilities -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing Mother's Choice of Delivery Facility At Burunga Sub county, Kiruhura District.en_US

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  • Bachelors in Nursing [415]
    Contains all dissertations submitted by staff and students from the School of Nursing

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