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dc.contributor.authorKyoshabire, Allen.
dc.identifier.other614.5939096761 KYO
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Under nutrition is one of the acute and chronic disorders affecting the under-fives in developing countries and in Africa, it affects the under-fives than adults and this is coupled with high risk of death and disabilities. Under nutrition is a powerful predictor of high morbidity and mortality among the under-fives in developing countries. (WHO, 2008). Objectives: To determine factors influencing under nutrition among children (0-5 years). Methods and materials The study was across sectional study and it was conducted in Kabuyanda Sub County Isingiro district in Western Uganda. A total of 207 participants were selected using systematic simple random sampling without replacement. Socio-demographic, Social-economic, knowledge level factors and anthropometric measurements including weight, height, Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) were used in data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS and the results presented using pie charts, frequency table and bar graphs. Results: A total of 207 children under the age of 5 years were enrolled in the study between August and October, 2015, in Kabuyanda Sub County, Isingiro district. The children were predominantly female 53.1% (110) with mean weight (SD) of 9.7Kg (3.45), mean MUAC (SD) of 12.7cm (1.97) and median height (IQR) of 75.4cm (64-91). Predominant age groups were 7-12months and 37-59months 20.3% (42), with 65% aged 2 years and below. About half the caretakers were aged 26-35years, predominantly female 72.5% (150) and had acquired a primary education. More than 80% said they were employed and earned a monthly income of UGX 50,000-100,000/=. About half reported that beans and milk were part of their daily diet.: Using the weight for age indicator, 26.6% (55/207) children were stunted, 24.1% (50) were wasting and1/4 (54/207) had a MUAC< 12.5 cm. Of the 75 undernourished children, 1/3 had been picked by either one of three indicators, 28/78 had been picked by two of the three indicators and 26/75 had been identified by all three indicators.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectMalnutrition -- Children -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectMalnutrition -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Under Nutrition Among Children (0-5 Years) in Kabuyanda Sub County Isingiro District.en_US

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  • Bachelors in Nursing [415]
    Contains all dissertations submitted by staff and students from the School of Nursing

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