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dc.contributor.authorSsesanga, Dennis Ernest
dc.identifier.other2010 - BSCPH - FT - 025
dc.identifier.other371.33096761 SSE
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to establish the accessibility and utilisation of Information Communication Technology in learning processes among students at IHSU. The study had four study objectives namely; find out the accessibility level of ICT to students, determine the level of students‘ knowledge on the usage of ICT, examine the attitude of students and lastly determine the practices of students on the utilisation of ICT in the learning process. A cross sectional study design was utilized in carrying out data collection procedures in October 2013 at International Health Sciences University. The design was preferred as it facilitated the obtaining of diverse information about the accessibility and utilisation of ICT in the learning processes during this point in time. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches. The university has a population of 1500 students all doing different courses and on different academic programmes namely; full time, part time and remote learning. A sample size of 316 university students undertaking undergraduate courses was selected to take part in this study. It was carried out in all the university institutes namely; health policy and management, nursing science and allied health services. The data was obtained from three sources namely; students, two key informant interviews of the head of library and ICT departments, and lastly interviewer observations using four different tools and instruments namely; key informant interview guide, an observational check list, digital camera and an online questionnaire. Data was collected, checked, coded; entered using Google forms then processed using Google analytics obtained online to generate bar graphs, pie charts and tables. All the questionnaires were systematically analysed on submission. From the findings, most of the students (50%) got first exposure to the use of ICT in learning at university. Students may have a better learning process if the ICTs are well embraced both at home work and university. From the above findings, 96% of the sample population which was the majority accesses ICT at the university while 28% access at the place of residence, 20% at an internet cafe and 16% through a friend‘s computer. Seventy seven percent of the sample population which was the majority accesses ICT at the university while eight percent access at the place of residence, six percent at an internet cafe and five percent through a friend‘s computer. The majority 282 students were unaware about advanced searching techniques while the second problem of the sample population was with formulating a search query or keywords, while 235 students lacked knowledge about open access journals and 233 students lacked knowledge about browsing e-journals. According to the results above, 48% of the students agreed that the learning process will not be effective without use of ICT tools and techniques and 25% of the disagreed. According to the results above, 48% of the students agreed that the learning process would not be effective without use of ICT tools and techniques and 25% of the disagreed. 36% of the students agreed to having used turnitin sometimes while 32% said they always use it and the other 32% had never used it. 38% of the students had never used online journals while 37% of the students used them sometimes and 25% of them were found to use them always. 55% of the students had never been recommended by the lecturers to use online journals while 43% reported that their lecturers sometimes did recommend and only 3% were always recommended. 91% of the students reported that they never used turnitin for their class work assignments while 8% sometimes did and only 1% always used it. The following were the accessibility possibilities of ICT available to students in their learning processes; students need to be assisted in attaining devices that will increase their utilisation of ICT both away and at the university. In regard to the level of students‘ knowledge on the usage of ICT in their learning processes; there is need to teach students about the various computer applications that are being used at school for their academic performance. Considering the attitude of students on the utilisation of ICT in their learning processes; there is. Students need to be enlightened about how will be effective with the use of ICT tools and techniques and this should be done with the involvement of the lecturers so as to improve the attitude of students about the need of ICTs in the leaning processes. Lastly, with respect to the practices of students in the utilisation of ICT in their learning processes; there is need to improve the use of turnitin and online journals in class assignments amongst the students. Generally all students should embrace the fact that ICT has come and should be highly welcomed in all fields of learning because it is what has enabled the first world to develop and be in the lead of all the other countries. Looking at how many students had moderate scores, on all the variables especially for accessibility, knowledge, attitudes and practices, there is a possibility that in the next ten years, the majority of students will have serious ICT limitations in the learning process and at work if no precautions are undertaken by those in authority.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectEducational Technology - access and utilization of ICTen_US
dc.subjectInformation technologyen_US
dc.titleAccessibility and Utilization of Informal, Communication Technology (ICT), in Students Learning Processes:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case study of students at international health sciences university, kampala.en_US

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