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dc.contributor.authorZawedde, Aidah.
dc.identifier.other363.112096761 ZAW
dc.description.abstractBackground: Boda bodas are a quick means of transport particularly for short distances and they are efficient in reducing traffic jam delays especially in the cities. They are of great use in low density demand areas and are readily available throughout the day and night. However, boda bodas as a means of transport predisposes the motorists to various occupational hazards. Despite the known problems associated with boda boda, there is limited data to understand why there is an increase in the occurrence of occupational hazards among motorcyclists hence this study assessed factors affecting the occurrence of occupational hazards among commercial motorcyclists in Kira town council. Objective of the study: In this study we set out to determine the factors influencing the occurrence of occupational health hazards among commercial motorcyclists in Kira town council, Wakiso district. Methodology: We conducted a cross sectional study with a sample size of 400 motorcyclists who were interviewed and used as study participants. Results: This study revealed that the leading occupational health hazard among commercial motorcyclists operating in Kira town council was accidents at 43.25% (173/400 motorcycle riders reported that they had had an accident in the last six month). Other occupational health hazards reported included: respiratory tract infections at 20.25%, back pain at 18.50%, eye problems at 14%, theft at 9.25%, and assault at 8.25%. Over speeding was the leading cause of road traffic accidents as was reported by 39.88% (69/173) of commercial motorcycle riders.)While being younger than 30 years was significantly associated with occurrence of accidents (68.77% of less than 30 years versus 31.21% of 30 years and older, p-value = 0.000). Conclusions: There are a numbers of occupational health hazards among commercial motorcycle riders operating in Kira town council, road traffic crashes taking a bigger proportion followed by respiratory tract infections, back pain, eye problems, theft, and assault. Recommendations: There is need to improve commercial motorcycle riders knowledge about the nature of occupational hazards in the transport industry with much emphasis placed on the outcomes of these occupational health hazardsen_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectOccupational hazards -- Factors influencing the occurrence -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectOccupational health hazards -- Motor cyclists -- Ugandaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing the Occurrence of Occupational Health Hazards Among Commercial Motor Cyclists:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case study of Kira sub-county, Wakiso district.en_US

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