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dc.contributor.authorKusasira, Deborah.
dc.identifier.other618.6096761 KUS
dc.description.abstractBackground: Maternal Health in Uganda remains a major issue with a high MMR of 438 per 100000 live births. WHO report (2010) 24% of maternal deaths occur during antenatal,16 during delivery and the highest number of deaths is during peuperium which is 61% and the MOH epidemiological data indicated that 23% of mothers had attended postnatal care service in the first 48 hours of delivery. Peuperium/postnatal is that period from the first hour after delivery of the placenta and throughout the next six weeks. The study therefore was conducted to determine factors influencing uptake of postnatal care services in Luwero sub- county, Luwero district so as to find ways of improving on maternal health. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine the factors that were influencing the uptake of postnatal services among mothers in Luwero sub county, Luwero District in September, 2015. METHODOLOGY: The study used a descriptive cross sectional study that involved quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Both primary and secondary data was taken using questionnaires, key informant guides and literature from previous studies.Information was got from mothers of luwero sub-county who consented and had children less than 2 years and key informants as well. Multistage sampling technique was used. Pearson’s chi-square test showed the level of association among the factors in the study. RESULTS: Results showed that almost half of the respondents 114 (41.9%) were between 25 and 31 years. The proportion of mothers that utilized post natal services in Luwero sub- county, Luwero district was at 36% of which 66% mostly utilized child growth monitoring because mothers mostly focused on their children’s health other than theirs. Factors that were significantly associated with PNC uptake were level of education, married women, parity of these mothers and income levels. CONCLUSION: Utilization of postnatal care services among mothers in Luwero sub- county was low at 36%.This was especially due to costs of these services and the long waiting hours at the facilities therefore there is a need to make these services free for all mothers and employ more staffs especially in public facilities. RECOMMENDATIONS The government through the ministry of health should conduct massive sensitization campaigns which are continuous to provide relevant information on the benefits of utilizing post-natal care services as well as increase knowledge of mothers on PNC services. Therefore, there should be an urgent intervention by ministry of health through the government, equip the health facilities and employ skilled health workers then also increase on the level of awareness about the services offered in health facilities. The government should subsidize on the cost of PNC services or make such services free-of- charge so as to make them affordable to all mothers. The administration of health facilities should ensure that mothers access and utilize PNC services in the shortest time possible after arriving at the health facility so as to reduce on the long waiting time and improving on the transport networken_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectPostnatal Care Services -- Factors influencing uptakeen_US
dc.subjectPostnatal Care -- Mothersen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing the uptake of Postnatal Care services Among Mothers:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case study of Luwero sub county of Luwero district.en_US

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