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dc.contributor.authorRodo, Mohamud Hassan.
dc.identifier.other363.78096761 ROD
dc.description.abstractBackground: Malaria remains a life-threating disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected Female Anopheles Mosquito bites. An estimated 198 million cases of malaria were reported globally with uncertain range of 124-283 million cases in 2013 (WHO, 2014). Objective: This study determined the factors affecting the use of Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets in Kisenyi Parish. Methodology: The study was a cross sectional study involving 398 respondents and used quantitative data collection techniques. Systematic random sampling was used in the selection of the respondents and a researcher administered questionnaire was used to collect information from the respondents. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) software was used in the analysis of the data and Pearson‟s Chi-square test (X²) was used to show the level of association between the variables under the study. Results: Although the coverage of ITNs was found to be high at 78% of all households having ITNs, the actual utilization was low at 71% of the respondents actually sleeping under ITNs. Some of the respondents used the ITNs as window and door curtains yet others used them for decorative purposes. Socio-economic factors such as sex, level of education, marital status and average monthly income were found to have a statistically significant association (p<0.05) with the use of ITNs. Health system factors such as the presence of a health facility within the community where ITNs were being distributed and the average cost of the ITNs indicated a statistically significant association with the use of ITNs within the community. Therefore, continued health education on the importance of ITNs in the control and prevention of malaria should be done by the government as well as subsidizing prices for ITNs could make them more affordableen_US
dc.publisherInternational Health Sciences University.en_US
dc.subjectMosquito Control -- Ugandaen_US
dc.subjectMosquito control -- Insecticide treated mosquito netsen_US
dc.subjectInsecticide treated mosquito nets -- Factors Affecting useen_US
dc.titleFactors Affecting The Use of Insecticide Traeted Mosquito Nets:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case study of Kisenyi parish.en_US

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